The wedding of the Real Estate Captain of Dubai

The Egyptian Businessman.

They call him the captain of real estate market not only because of his background and because his dad is one of the most well known overseas captains in the Middl East but because he proved from scratch with smart and hard work how he’s really a captain of the land of Dubai in the real estate market. He established this by his records and by the professional way he treats his clients and leads them with the best investment opportunities in the market. This makes them happy with his suggestions and makes him a real captain in leading teams and companies to achieve the highest records and awards in the market.

He’s a real captain in his field so it’s not strange to choose “Captain Homes” as a name of his most fast, stable and successful growing group of companies “Captain Homes Group”. It’s also not strange that the Egyptian pharaoh is getting married to miss Ukraine today.

Congratulations for your blessed new family and blessed new generation of pharaoh businessmen coming soon to our universe captain.