Factors affecting Entrepreneurship Growth in Dubai

A number of locations around the world have developed and grown as a result of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs’ creation of employment possibilities has aided in addressing issues such as regional imbalance and poverty. Particularly developing nations, which are heavily reliant on agricultural, are working to support entrepreneurship.

In general, there are two categories of factors that affect the growth of entrepreneurship: economic factors and non-economic factors.

Economic Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth

In essence, these elements are in charge of making sure that a country’s economy grows and develops. These elements create a favorable economic climate and financial security for the enterprise’s success. These economic elements, which affect the growth of entrepreneurship in various ways, include the following:

  1. Capital

    The need for capital is essential when starting an entrepreneurial activity. The requirement for purchasing land, materials, machines, etc. is capital. When sufficient capital is on hand, an entrepreneur is in a position to acquire all the production requirements. Consequently, entrepreneurial growth results.

  2. Labor

    Affordable and skilled labor is necessary to run a successful business. This Will Boost The Venture’s Overall Productivity, Promoting The Growth And Development Of The Entrepreneur’s Business.

  3. Raw Material

    The availability of high-quality raw materials at reasonable prices is another factor influencing the growth of entrepreneurship .The cost of production will be decreased if the raw material is easily accessible and close to the manufacturing unit. Nevertheless, this issue can be resolved by ensuring a robust supply chain, but doing so might raise the cost of production.

  4. Market

    A market is just a place where producers and consumers interact. Here is where the actual buying and selling happens. The future direction of the business depends on the market. A business venture is doomed to failure if a consumer is unwilling to purchase a product that the entrepreneur offers. However, if the product of the entrepreneur can fulfill its purpose and address the issues of the consumers, it indicates that there is a market for it. This will boost the company’s sales, which will foster entrepreneurial growth.

Non-Economic Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth

1.Social Factors Affecting the Growth of Entrepreneurship

The economic aspects need to be addressed as well, but this is insufficient to guarantee entrepreneurial growth. Social scientists claim that some of the social factors influencing the growth of entrepreneurship include the following:

  • Social Mobility

    One of the social factors influencing the growth of entrepreneurship is social mobility. Both social and geographic mobility are involved. An entrepreneurial venture has been found to be able to grow more in environments that are flexible and liberal in the past. As a result, we see that some areas are experiencing higher levels of entrepreneurial activity than others.

  • Legitimacy of EntrepreneurshipEvery society creates its own set of standards, laws, and rules. In turn, these values provide as a social setting for entrepreneurial activities. In order to achieve business goals or make money from a new idea, the entrepreneur ought to continue to work while keeping in mind that social values and laws are upheld.

2. Psychiatric variables

In addition to the previously mentioned elements, psychological issues are also important determinants of entrepreneurship. Even if the economic and social climate is favorable and supportive of a firm, it won’t matter if the participants aren’t driven by their own interests. A few of the psychological elements influencing the growth of entrepreneurship include the following:

  • Status Respect

    It has been noted that the loss of status encourages dissatisfied members of a society to choose a different, distinctive product option. This opens up opportunities for entrepreneurial growth. When someone is dissatisfied with the current situation, they search for innovations. This promotes the growth of entrepreneurs.

  • Inspiration for High Performance

    The Need-Achievement Theory According to a theory put forth by D. McClelland, a desire or motivation for outstanding performance determines whether or not an enterprise will grow or develop. He has said that whether a business venture or an entrepreneur succeeds or fails depends on their level of motivation. Both employees and the business owner can receive the proper training to guarantee a high level of motivation.

3. Political Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship

Government activity affects each of these aspects, either directly or indirectly. Because the government recognizes that the growth of entrepreneurship in the nation would have a positive impact on the economy, it designs policies and legislation with entrepreneurs in mind. As a result, the government regularly provides support to business owners through the creation of industrial parks, special economic zones, subsidies, and other programs. One of the most important variables impacting the growth of entrepreneurship globally is political concerns.

Entrepreneurship is influenced by a number of things. Because of this, an entrepreneur needs the cooperation of all project stakeholders. The growth of entrepreneurship is essential, especially in a nation like India where it has the potential to generate significant economic value and job possibilities.

Harappa has started a course on Leading Self to help people better grasp the aspects that affect entrepreneurship growth. This course, which is being taught by the top industry professionals, will be extremely helpful for people who are starting their own business or have immediate plans to do so.

How Environment has been affected through development of Dubai?

The ecology has been significantly impacted by Dubai’s development. The city has had impressive economic expansion and modernization, but it has also encountered a number of environmental issues. Here are a few ways Dubai’s growth has impacted the environment:

  1. Reclamation of land: In order to lengthen its shoreline and build man-made islands like the Palm Jumeirah and the World Islands, Dubai has engaged in massive land reclamation projects. These initiatives have harmed marine biodiversity by upsetting marine ecosystems, destroying coral reefs, and altering coastal dynamics.
  2. Dubai is situated in an arid area with a dearth of freshwater supplies. There is a tremendous demand on water resources due to the fast urbanization and population increase. Desalination plants, which use a lot of energy and produce greenhouse gas emissions, are largely relied upon by the city. Due to excessive exploitation, groundwater supplies have also been depleted, which has caused land subsidence and ocean intrusion.
  3. Energy consumption: Due to Dubai’s ambitious expansion ambitions, more energy must now be produced. The city has traditionally produced a large amount of its electricity using fossil fuels. However, with the execution of solar power projects and the creation of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, there has been a movement in recent years toward renewable energy sources.
  4. Air pollution: Dubai’s fast urbanization and high traffic have both exacerbated the problem. High amounts of particulates and nitrogen dioxide have been caused by emissions from automobiles, factories, and construction activities. Stricter car emission regulations and the usage of environmentally friendly transportation methods have both been implemented in an effort to reduce air pollution.
  5. Trash management: Due to Dubai’s rapid population growth and development, more trash is being produced. Infrastructure for recycling and proper waste management are crucial for reducing the negative effects on the environment. The development of waste-to-energy facilities and the implementation of recycling programs are examples of city endeavors to advance waste management procedures.
  6. Loss of biodiversity: Natural habitats and ecosystems have disappeared as a result of Dubai’s urbanization. The city’s growth has impacted native plant and animal species by encroaching on desert environments. By creating protected areas and animal reserves, efforts have been undertaken to preserve biodiversity.
  7. Initiatives for sustainable development: In recent years, Dubai has acknowledged the value of sustainable development and has introduced a number of programs to lessen its negative environmental effects. These include the Dubai Plan 2021, which includes sustainability objectives in areas including transport, waste management, and air quality, and the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050, which seeks to provide 75% of the city’s electricity from clean sources.

Dubai’s rapid development has created environmental issues, but there is also a rising understanding of the importance of sustainability and conservation. In an effort to move to a green and more sustainable future, efforts are being undertaken to reduce the detrimental effects on the environment.

Drink these naturally hydrating beverages to combat the summer’s oppressive heat.

Try these delectable and refreshing drinks this season, ranging fennel sharbat to sattu drink, to relieve your thirst.

Drinks that are reviving and cooling are essential during the summer for helping to quench our thirst and soothe dry throats. But a lot of us are guilty of grabbing for incredibly healthful cold drinks, sodas, and other aerated beverages. This is why we are here, offering the ideal summertime beverages that are not only tasty and refreshing but also naturally healthful.

While lemonade and buttermilk are two popular options, you can also try a variety of other summertime beverages recommended by Dr. Dixa Bhavsar, an expert in Ayurveda.

Fennel spice

Grab a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of fennel powder to prepare this cold beverage. Add two glasses of water with rock sugar to taste. Mix thoroughly, then indulge!

Sattu brew

In addition to being incredibly hydrating, sattu is the ideal summertime source of easily assimilated protein. To prepare this at home, combine roasted cumin, pink salt, and little jaggery with one teaspoon of sattu powder in a glass of water.

The Pudina sharbat

“Take two to three glasses of water, a few bits of rock sugar (to taste), and a handful of mint leaves. Grind everything well. Then, filter and enjoy this incredibly tasty mint beverage after adding half a lemon and rock salt (to taste).

Gulistan shots

Gulkand shots are made by adding one tablespoon of gulkand to a single glass of milk and blending it with a hand mixer.

The Beal Sharbat

Take a bael fruit and cut it down the center to reveal the soft pulp inside. “Leave the pulp to soak for 20 minutes in one glass of water. After that, thoroughly mash the pulp. Your bael sharbat is done when you strain it, add 1 teaspoon of jaggery, roasted cumin, cardamom, and a dash of black salt, she said.

The Khus sharbat

For eight to ten hours, soak the khus in water. After they have been fully submerged, filter the khus water and add rock sugar.

Asharbat kokum

Take two fresh kokum fruits, split them in half, take out the seeds, and then ground into a fine pulp to prepare this delectable beverage. After that, prepare a syrup with rock sugar and add it to the kokum paste. To taste, mix in some cumin and cardamom powder. When you’re ready to have this beverage, put two to three tablespoons of this mixture in a glass and stir with some cold water.

Coconut liquid

What hydrates you more effectively than coconut water? It was advised by the Ayurvedic expert to consume it in early morning or for two hours following a meal.

“Beat the scorching temperatures by using these cooling handmade natural beverages rather than cold drinks and frozen treats from supermarkets and stay fit this summer,”


Sugarcane juice

Without sugarcane juice, the summer is not complete. It is the best source of energy and dehydration relief and is easily accessible on the streets.


How much water should you drink in the UAE during summer Season?

In order to avoid dehydration during the hotter months, doctors encourage patients to be more mindful of their water intake.

Every day of the year, hydration is important, but the hot summers in the UAE are when it’s most crucial.

Making sure your family receives enough water should be a top priority when the temperature in the Emirates soars above the 40oC threshold with energy-sapping humidity, but how much exactly do we need?

How much water should children and adults be drinking?

“It is widely agreed that men need 3 to 4 liters of water each day, while women need 2 to 3 liters. However, there are numerous additional elements that might affect how much fluid a person needs each day, including physical activity, the environment, altitude, pregnancy, and the presence of specific illnesses like kidney disease.

It’s important to keep track of how much water kids are consuming. Children require more water if they are engaged in strenuous activity or if it is hot outside. You need to make sure that your toddler drinks enough water.

Toddlers should eat between two and four glasses of liquid per day, children aged five to eight should consume one liter, and children aged nine to twelve should drink 1.5 litres.

Drinking enough water in hot climates

It’s important to remember how important staying hydrated is.

“Water intake is essential for the body of an individual to operate normally. Water is essential for the health and maintenance of all the body’s main organ systems”

“Water is essential for controlling body temperature and aids in preventing heat exhaustion and heat stroke… When the body is subjected to heat from the environment, perspiration is produced from the water that has been stored in the skin’s layers. The skin surface cools as a result of this evaporation, which also lowers body temperature.

“As more body water is lost via sweat, the body starts to get dehydrated.. It begins to retain heat rather than expel it and succumbs to the symptoms of heat exhaustion, including headaches, fast and weak pulse, vomiting or nausea, giddiness, malaise, and muscle cramping.”

Staying fit and hydrated

The quantity of water you drink each day needs to be changed if you exercise in the summer. In the US, an average woman should drink 2.3 liters because she weighs 77.4 kg, and the average guy should drink 2.4 liters because he weighs 80 kg.

Depending on how much you exercise every day, that amount should be increased.

According to Sole, you should drink 500 to 1,000 ml of water for every hour of activity, depending on how sweaty you are and the weather where you are exercising. On really sweaty sessions, adding an electrolyte will help with absorption.

Additionally, being hydrated could improve how well you perform at the gym.

If your body weight drops by merely 2% as a result of perspiration or inadequate hydration, it’s probable that your motivation to exercise or your ability to focus will suffer.

People who work out in the heat should drink an extra 500ml to 1,000ml of water daily. Unsplash / Nigel Msipa

Water intoxication can result from excessive water consumption.

“When you drink too much water, your kidneys cannot get rid of the extra water”. Your blood’s salt concentration dilutes. The condition is known as hyponatremia, and it may be fatal.

For a man of average build who exercises frequently, drinking up to 3.4 liters of water a day may seem excessive, but if done gradually throughout the day, it is not harmful.

“For individuals who are well-nourished, healthy, and have a healthy lifestyle, consuming too much water rarely poses a serious threat. However, if you do drink too much water, your kidneys might not be able to properly clear it, which could cause bloating and abdominal pain as well as hyponatremia, which will need to be treated.

What if you don’t like water?

Many people don’t enjoy drinking big amounts of plain water, but they can still achieve their hydration goals by flavoring their water with cordials or tea, which has the same health benefits as sugar.

We advise drinking fluids from natural sources like fresh juices because most individuals find it hard to drink big amounts of water. However, flavoring water can encourage people to drink enough to obtain the proper level of hydration.

Water still has the same hydrating benefits when flavour or cordial is added. Unsplash / Margaret Jaszowska

“Keep them to a minimum because fizzy drinks, squashes, and juices can have lots of sugar added and very few nutrients,”Despite being the preferred method of hydration, water is not the only one. Tea and coffee, which contain caffeine, are just as hydrating as milk when drunk in moderation.

“The majority of low-calorie electrolytes tablets or powder have a sweet taste, so that is a perfect combo, particularly when doing out. If you think water is a little monotonous during the course of the day, a low-calorie squash or concentrates would also be a nice choice.

Bright reusable water bottles from Quokka, for example, might serve as a reminder for people to sip water frequently throughout the day.

1. Maintain a full bottle of water by your bed so that you can drink 300 to 500 ml of water as soon as you wake up.

2. Keep a colorful, re-usable water bottle with you; this will draw attention to it through the day and serve as a reminder to sip.

3. Include a dash of sea salt in your morning meal. In addition to being a necessary mineral for fluid absorption, sodium can help to increase your urge to consume fluids.

Best Healthy Food Restaurants in Dubai

Many restaurants in Dubai now offer healthy options while some cater entirely to fitness enthusiasts. Check out this list of healthy food restaurants in Dubai.

If you are keen on pursuing your health and fitness resolutions for the year, there is still time. For those who socialise and eat out regularly with friends, it can be difficult to follow a healthy plan or diet. But if you are in Dubai, fortunately there are now lots of healthy food restaurants you can choose from to dine in or get food delivered to your doorstep. Check out this list of some of the best healthy food restaurants in Dubai:

1) Heat

<img decoding="async" height="536" width="466" class="media-element file-full-image lazyload" src="https://www.masala.com/public/images/2020/02/01/heat.png" alt="" />

What: Heat (Healthy Eats and Treats) cafe offers a variety of low carb, low fat, high protein and other healthy meal options.

Location: Jumeirah, Al Barsha


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Simple concept in that they only do poke bowls but you can create loads of different options with this one since you can fully customise your base with a whole range of toppings. You’ll honestly have trouble deciding! It’s kind of like Subway for Poke bowls. So you can easily create low carb or vegan. This is another one which is really good for when you’re in a rush since everything is already prepared and you just select the base and toppings of your choice. Nice and fresh. Also, the staff always seem to be super happy. My tip, go for the small bowl since I found there wasn’t a huge amount of difference in the amount you get between the medium and the small.

Location: Umm Suqeim

3) Bounty Beets

<img decoding="async" height="569" width="575" class="media-element file-full-image lazyload" src="https://www.masala.com/public/images/2020/02/01/bounty-beets.png" alt="" />

What: This restaurant has a farm-to-table concept, using fresh ingredients to cook organic, gluten-free and vegan food.

Location: Le Meridien Mina Seyahi, Al Sufouh, Dubai Marina


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The best thing about Freshii is they have a wide range of choice and prepare everything very quickly. So if you’re in a hurry and want something to healthy eat, this is the perfect quick lunch stop. They also do smoothies, breakfast bowls, wraps, soup… So you definitely won’t be stuck for choice and all of it is really good. I really like their vegetable bowls and you can ask them to replace yoghurt with coconut milk in their smoothies. They also do meal plans and you can pick from various options depending on whether you want to eat clean, lose weight or bulk up.

Locations: DIFC, Business Bay, Media City & Healthcare City

5) Baker & Spice

<img decoding="async" height="530" width="475" class="media-element file-full-image lazyload" src="https://www.masala.com/public/images/2020/02/01/baker-and-spice.png" alt="" />

What: Another award-winning restaurant and food shop with local, organic, fresh and homemade produce.

Location : Souk al Bahar, Dubai Marina, Gold & Diamond Park, Souk Al Manzil, Jumeirah


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This one you can do your shopping and get a bite to eat plus everything is organic. Their café on Sheikh Zayed Road is a cool little hang out that will make you feel like you’ve taken a quick trip to Europe and they also regularly do healthy eating brunches for 99 AED per person at the SZR branch and The Greens branch. I really like how low key it feels here and it’s nice sometimes to go somewhere more relaxed than the typical Dubai life. Plus it’s generally just good wholesome food. This is a great weekend chilled hangout for sure, and more popular for breakfast or lunch in the day.

Locations: Sheikh Zayed Road, Mirdif, Palm Jumeirah & The Greens

7) Wild & The Moon

<img decoding="async" height="446" width="596" class="media-element file-full-image lazyload" src="https://www.masala.com/public/images/2020/02/01/wild-and-the-moon.png" alt="" />

What: This restaurant offers fresh juices and foods that are made from wild, local organic, gluten-free, ethically sourced, seasonal and plant-based ingredients.

Location: Alserkal Avenue, Downtown Dubai

8) Nathalie’s

<img decoding="async" height="571" width="585" class="media-element file-full-image lazyload" src="https://www.masala.com/public/images/2020/02/01/nathalie.png" alt="" />

What: A healthy food cafe serving a range of freshly-prepared meals for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner, such as salads, sandwiches pizzettes, etc.

Location: Fit Republik, Sports City

Things you shouldn’t do in Dubai if you are on vacation

You could imagine that a trip to Dubai is comparable to going to Spain, Mexico, or Thailand given that it is the most well-liked tourism destination in the Middle East. In many ways, that is true—you will be surrounded by kind people, delectable cuisine, and gorgeous sunshine—but there is a crucial distinction you must take into account when making travel arrangements. Although Dubai’s laws are a little more permissive than those in the UAE (United Arab Emirates), the UAE is a Muslim nation that upholds Islamic law, so it’s crucial to be aware of what is and is not acceptable behavior when visiting in order to prevent offending anyone or accidentally breaching the law and landing in jail. Consequently, without further ado, here are our suggestions for maintaining

Things you shouldn’t do in Dubai

Get wasted in public.In Dubai, where the majority of the population is Muslim, alcohol drinking is prohibited, as it is in many other countries in the region, including Egypt. In licensed pubs, restaurants, and hotels, as in many other Muslim nations, including Egypt, non-Muslims are permitted to purchase alcohol. Even if you are not Muslim, it is against the law to behave unruly in public, so take care not to have too many.

Take pictures of people without getting their express consent.It is considered impolite to take a picture of anyone without their consent; this rule is especially true when it comes to photographing local ladies.

Swear. Cussing and using filthy language are prohibited, and a number of foreigners have found themselves in hot water for using vulgar language in front of a police officer working undercover. People, keep it clean.

Slur Islam. The most harmful thing you can do in a Muslim nation is probably this. Regardless of your own views on Islam, refrain from making any statements in public that might be construed as offensive. If you have strong feelings about Islam, keep them to yourself because insulting the religion is punishable by harsh sanctions.

Be proud of your homosexuality .It is terrible to mention, but homosexuality is still prohibited in the United Arab Emirates. You might get into a lot of problems if you make any public shows of affection between people of the same (or opposite, if you’re not married) sex. Cross-dressing is prohibited as well.

Employ your left hand .The left hand is utilized for personal cleanliness in Muslim culture, so it may appear strange that this rule applies. Never extend a handshake or a greeting to someone with your left hand, and under no circumstances should you be seen eating with it.

Is June Month good to visit Dubai for Vacations.

It’s fun to travel to Dubai any time of year, but June is especially enjoyable. Dubai attracts tourists from all over the world because of its opulent appearance. Winter is ideal for seeing the city because of the lovely weather, but June through August is also a good season. Dubai is renowned for its searing sun and heat in addition to its opulent city life. Luckily, there are enjoyable ways to make use of this heat.If you go to Dubai in June, you can take advantage of the opportunity to experience the opulent resorts, water sports, and shopping events.

Dubai in June

Dubai in June should ideally stay warm and dry. Additionally, the temperature reaches 38 degrees. Fortunately, it lowers to almost 26 oC at night. The humidity is still at a moderate level (26%). Locals experience approximately 12 hours of sunlight each day, and there is no monthly rainfall.

 Activities to try in Dubai in June

  1. Ski Dubai

Ski Dubai Snow Park

When you’ve had enough of the oppressive heat and burning sun, bring the whole family to Ski Dubai. It is a well-known indoor activity you can try to beat the heat; it is situated in Dubai’s Mall of Emirates. Ski Dubai is a sizable area completely coated in actual ice that will instantly allay any heat-related angst. It is the ideal location to visit in June in Dubai due to the weather. A snow dragon is lit up. Due to the chance to interact with penguins, your time at Ski Dubai will be unforgettable. Both children and adults can enjoy themselves here just as much.

  1. Dubai Mall Ice Rink

Another well-liked indoor tourist destination to check out in Dubai in June is the renowned Dubai Mall Ice Rink. Those who enjoy skating have access to a massive ice skating rink that is made of actual ice. Well, the idea itself is real. Disco sessions are staged with vibrant lights to add intrigue, making them a memorable aspect of your trip to Dubai.

  1. Museum of Illusions

Museum of illusions Dubai tickets

The Museum of Illusions is one of the indoor attractions you should enjoy if you’re in Dubai in June to avoid the heat. A museum is a fascinating place that draws countless visitors because of the amazing objects kept there. Science, antiquities, or history are the first things that come to mind when we discuss museums. Dubai, however, is home to several odd attractions. This museum, which is located in Al Seef, offers some incredible alternatives, such as an infinite chamber. Your reflections will either be too little or too large in this area. In a similar vein, don’t overlook Master Illusions. Grand illusions and optical illusions.

  1. Skydiving iFly


I Fly is a vertical wind tunnels where you may attempt sky diving. It is the first 10 meters long indoors skydiving zone in Dubai. This activity, which defies gravity, is carried out under the guidance of professionals. To fully enjoy the experience, you will receive eye protection and a wind suit.

5. Smash Room .

Smashing things at the renowned Smash Room is a great way to release rage. Smash Room is for you if you enjoy smashing things when you’re upset, enraged, or disappointed. Another excellent indoor activity to do in Dubai during the summer (June). You have the chance to smash various objects, including plates, printers, computers, and other things.

6. Splash Island Aquatic Center

If you’re wondering what the weather is like in Dubai in June, it’s hot, muggy, and fairly steamy. Fortunately, the summer in Dubai is all about cooling off in the water, and Splash Island Waterpark is the place to go. Bring your family, especially the younger members. Splash Island Waterpark is an aqua park with numerous indoor activities that is temperature-controlled.


7. VR Park

VR Park

A prominent indoor theme park known as VR Park offers virtual reality experiences. The VR park is a great amusement destination for youngsters in Dubai in June because it is all about entertaining activities. Some games will transport you to a distant planet, while others allow you to go through time to the future.

8. Lost Chambers Aquarium

Lost Chambers

Who wouldn’t want to learn more about the aquatic life found beneath the sea? You must visit Lost Chambers Aquarium to learn more about that. A great variety of unusual flowers and seaweeds can be seen. The Lost Chambers Aquarium’s splendor draws visitors to Dubai from all over the world.


How Technology has Helped Dubai in Growth towards 21st century

New technologies have been introduced in a variety of methods and forms throughout the last few years. Users have been at the forefront of every innovation, whether it has been considering a new technology solution or reviewing current ones for upgrades to give better outcomes and meet needs.

The more the demand for and consumption of cutting-edge technologies, the more difficult it is to innovate daily and set new objectives for better outcomes.

In just a decade, technology has transformed how we go about our everyday duties, going from 3G flip phones to 5G touch-enabled smartphones! From being confined to a single location with a PC to using tablets for business needs while traveling. electric vehicles, virtual devices, and more. Technology has advanced significantly, not just in terms of hardware but also in terms of software. The way we travel and conduct business around the world has changed as a result of the rapidly increasing technology developments.

Adoption of cutting-edge technologies is greatly promoted and accepted in several nations, including the UAE, thanks to strong local government support. 2017 saw the first appointment of a Minister of Artificial Intelligence by the government, who did so in an effort to improve performance and foster an atmosphere that is both creative and highly productive for the nation’s enterprises. With Vision 2021, the UAE has successfully positioned itself as a hub for innovation and has served as a global ambassador for the Arab world.

The way goods and people travel throughout the emirate has altered as a result of the employment of technologies, particularly at two of Dubai’s largest projects, Drydocks World and the Floating Bridge. At Drydocks, the adoption of drive and control technologies allowed equipment of any size to operate more effectively.

Modern marine engineering technologies facilitate intelligent mobility, making them dependable even at 6,000 meters below the surface.

Various technologies, including the IndraDrive ML or strong hydraulics, can be used depending on the task. The digitally controlled hydraulic tidal compensation has been fitted to raise or decrease the access ramps to suit the water level in order to ensure that traffic crosses the Floating Bridge securely. The bridge has made it possible for people to travel within and outside of the city, which has decreased travel times and improved traffic conditions, particularly during rush hours.

It is the first structure of its sort in the emirate and features six lanes that open each day to allow traffic to cross Dubai Creek. The UAE’s goal to adopt highly promising and developing technologies in the transportation industry is furthered by these technologies.

The introduction of ship lifts at Dubai’s Drydocks helped boost the city’s morale even more. Two technologically advanced ship lifts were installed with the goal of enhancing trade and transportation through dry-docks. These lifts offer comprehensive solutions for all maritime-related requirements, including maintenance, repair, and yacht-building, in addition to satisfying industrial, academic, residential, and lifestyle requirements.

Even in the most severe weather, it only takes 40 minutes to lift the ship above sea level using the two ship lifts, each of which has a capacity of 3000 and 6000 tons. With the aid of frequency converters and Linux-based control systems, both ship lifts are operated by computerized control systems, making them more environmentally friendly and labor-intensive.

The UAE government has shown the rest of the world that it is capable of enabling new technologies, particularly in the areas of automation, AI, and 5G.

The inauguration of Hyperloop technology from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, which will reduce travel time to just 12 minutes, will be the most anticipated means of trade and transportation. Hyperloop technology will move at unfathomable speeds, with the greatest safety standards and sustainability at its core.

The recent debut of the completely self-driving human flight in Dubai has gained international acclaim and raised the bar for other autonomous vehicle launches. With the proper application of technology across all industries, we can jointly develop an independent lifestyle. Technology is assisting in the more efficient movement of both people and freight.


Technology Hotspot in world: Dubai

Dubai’s dedication and investment in building a knowledge- and innovation-based economy have gradually paid off, particularly in the present climate brought on by the Covid epidemic.

Dubai’s emphasis on innovation has made the Emirate one of the world’s technology and innovation hubs and serves as an example on how investment in the technology sector can propel economic growth despite a variety of challenges. Examples include the use of AI in numerous sectors, smart devices, and 3-D printing technology.One innovative project that enhances the Emirate’s potential to employ technology in dealing with a pandemic-like catastrophe is the police in Dubai’s widespread usage of smart helmets that allow scanning the temperatures of hundreds of individuals in a matter of minutes.

Police personnel assigned to special pandemic duty claim that the thermal sensors in these helmets are capable of recording the temperatures of up to 200 persons each minute. They claim that these intelligent helmets have two cameras and can transmit infrared heat images up to five meters away. They note that they can quickly identify the ones with high temperatures and transfer them to the closest medical facility with the aid of paramedics.

Dubai’s arsenal against Covid-19 goes beyond just smart helmets. Additionally, it made low-cost face shields using 3D printing technology, which significantly aided in halting the spread of the new coronavirus.

Dubai-based Immensa Labs, the unchallenged leader in additive manufacturing in the MENA region and a face shield manufacturer, has been in the vanguard of Dubai’s fight against Covid-19.

Everything began in March when Immensa CEO Fahmi Al Shwaa learned that certain persons were raising the price of face shields in order to take advantage of the supply shortfall. Around eleven in the morning, he asked whether we could take action. Axel Fernandes, the chief operating officer of Immensa, recalled this in an interview with ET NOW. “By evening, we had 3D printed 10 face shields. It goes without saying that the doctors who viewed the product were very pleased.

“From March until now, we began with physicians, institutions, and hospitals, and we moved from producing 10 units to several million in a short period of time, and that was only made possible by 3D printing,” continues Fernandes.

Immensa places a lot of emphasis on the construction sector and provides specialized tooling and mould for the precast industry. Construction and logistics are two industries that are excellent examples of the adoption of 3D printing for disruption. According to Fernandes, distributed manufacturing, a benefit of 3D printing, can significantly improve the pandemic-affected logistics industry.

If smart helmets aided in the early identification of those exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms, the development and distribution of masks in sufficient numbers helped to stop the virus’ spread. Chairman of Darb Technologies Thani Al Falasi agrees and claims that technology has been essential in containing the pandemic. He cites the example of ALHOSN UAE, an app launched by the Dubai Health Authority that allows users to receive a simple SMS notice to learn their results. According to him, the app also explains how and where an infection occurred and can tell if a person was in close proximity to a person who had contact with a Covid-19 carrier.

Another element that accelerated findings was using laser testing rather than nasal swabbing. However, I believe that Emirate’s ID is the secret to success because having all of your data in one location makes it much easier for the government to obtain information about a person.Darb Technologies, a company founded in 2015 for SME growth, offers hardware and software solutions to the government and enterprise sectors in the UAE. It is one of several companies with a solid technical foundation that support Dubai’s goal of positioning itself as a knowledge-driven economy.

Dubai Future Foundation’s April announcement of the One Million Arab Coders Covid-19 Hackathon was more evidence of the city’s emphasis on technology in combating the novel coronavirus. The Hackathon, with the theme Coders versus Corona, offered a $50,000 cash prize to 5 teams that proposed creative answers to the problems caused by the Covid-19 epidemic.

Sajithkumar is not surprised by the way Dubai employed technology to combat Covid-19 because the Emirate has been investing heavily in tech firms. “A variety of steps are being taken to promote Dubai as a based on knowledge economy. Business support for AI, IoT, and fintech is offered by Silicon Oasis and other free zones. Therefore, Dubai’s reliance on technology to combat COVID-19 was reasonable, according to him.


For Dubai Travelers: Culture tips of Dubai

There is a lot of confusing and misleading information when it comes to what is and what is not culturally acceptable in Dubai. Dubai is a vibrant cosmopolitan city with over 100 nationalities living together in harmony. Millions of tourists flock to Dubai every year and the city is truly a cultural crossroads. The local population is quite small (estimated around 15%), but Emiratis in general are warm, welcoming, and very tolerant of foreign visitors and residents. In return, it is greatly appreciated if those who travel to Dubai take a little time to learn about the local customs and culture.

The UAE is a Muslim country. The culture is based on a deeply rooted belief in Islam and centers on the family. Mosques are dotted throughout the landscape of Dubai and five times a day the melodious prayer call or “adhan” will be heard. The official weekend is Friday, although government offices and certain multinational companies are also closed on Saturday. Mosques on Fridays around noon will be overflowing as worshippers gather to listen to a sermon. On Fridays most stores open around 2PM although certain large retail outlets such as Carrefour and most large grocery stores are open as normal. Arabic is the official language; however English is widely spoken by almost everyone and all the street signs are in both English and Arabic.There is no specific dress code in Dubai, and you will see both ends of the spectrum from women who cover themselves from head to toe to those who choose to barely cover themselves at all. At the beach women are welcome to wear bikinis and men can don swimming shorts. Away from the beach it is more culturally acceptable for men to avoid wearing shorts or going shirtless and for women to avoid mini-skirts, midriff baring tops, and shorts. T-shirts or blouses and mid-length skirts or Capri pants for women are considered quite appropriate. Muslim women from the Gulf States typically dress in a long black robe known as the “abaya”. The “abaya” itself is not an Islamic requirement, but rather a cultural custom. Islam requires ladies to cover their heads and to wear long loose clothes covering their arms and legs. Gulf men wear a loose, typically white robe called a “dishdasha” along with a white or red checkered headdress known as the “gutra”. The gutra is held in place with a black cord called an “agal”.

Arabs are one of the most hospitable people in the world, but visitors still should take note of a few cultural musts when interacting with locals. It is best to ask permission of local women before taking their photograph and most likely you will be told no. Visitors should also be aware that some Muslim women and men will avoid shaking hands with members of the opposite sex as per Islamic tradition. This should not be taken as an offense and it is simply best to wait and see if the other person extends their hand in greeting first. Local men will typically greet other local men by touching noses or kissing cheeks. Public displays of affection between members of the opposite sex are highly frowned upon, although you will see men (typically Asian expats) holding hands with other men when walking. This is a cultural norm and merely an expression of friendship. If you are invited to enjoy a coffee, tea or traditional meal with a local family there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. Before entering a home shoes should be removed. When sitting, take care to avoid pointing the soles of your feet in anyone’s direction as this is considered rude in Arab Muslim culture. Food and drink (and there will be a lot of it!) should be taken with one’s right hand, as the left hand is reserved for “unclean” practices such as washing after using the bathroom. Your host will most likely keep offering you more and more food and drink. It is acceptable to take a second helping but not necessarily a third or fourth! You will have to be persistent and it might take a bit of polite “back and forth” between you and your host before your host acknowledges that you are actually finished!

During the Holy Month of Ramadan, Muslims and non-Muslims in Dubai are expected (by law) to refrain from eating, drinking or smoking in public. A bit of discretion and respect for the host culture is really all that is called for. If a visitor accidentally makes a mistake and eats, drinks, or smokes in public, the worst that is likely to happen is that someone will gently remind you of the time of year and ask you to stop. Although most restaurants will be closed during the day (or offering take-away only), many malls now have food outlets that are screened off from the public and open during the day in Ramadan for non-Muslims. It is also perfectly acceptable for non-Muslims to eat and drink in the privacy of their homes or hotel rooms during the day. Most hotel restaurants will remain open (with screened-off areas) for hotel guests and grocery stores also remain open all day long. It is greatly appreciated during Ramadan if women are a bit more conservative in their dress – simply avoiding short skirts or sleeveless tops. All live musical and dance performances are suspended during Ramadan but pubs will open after sunset. Time seems to move a little slower during Ramadan and by law Muslim employees have shortened work days. In general visitors do need to be more culturally sensitive during the Holy Month, but after the breaking of the fast each day the city comes alive and it is an ideal time to visit if you are looking to experience cultural flavor.

While Dubai is most famous for its shopping, visitors should take advantage of their trip to the United Arab Emirates to also learn about the local culture. The Dubai Museum, built in an old traditional fort, is a must-see for all ages and includes exhibits of weapons, national costumes, and displays of the desert as well as the pearl diving industry on which Dubai was originally founded. The Heritage and Diving Village features displays of Dubai’s maritime past and includes quaint shops and restaurants. Finally, The Sheikh Mohammed Center for Cultural Understanding offers cultural awareness programs, recruiting young UAE nationals to speak to visitors and residents about Dubai culture and history, as well as offering other activities throughout the year including mosque tours and Arabic classes.