Meet Antonia Li, entrepreneur, co-founder & Creative Director of AUTOPILOT. Antonia is also a luxury and lifestyle influencer.

She oversees the narrative and is the muse of her brand AUTOPILOT.

Antonia Li is not just a stylish socialite but also the co-founder of the dynamic creative agency INDICUBE in 2013 that was acquired in 2017 by an international branding agency in Mainland China. Antonia is an influencer of luxury brands such as Chanel, La Prairie, Lancome, and Cle De Peau, Shiseido, etc. in 2017. She is on the Changing Young Lives Foundation fundraising committee and is the Hong Kong Ballet Ball ambassador. Antonia is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys boxing, HIIT, hiking, and surfing. She is an MBA graduate of Chinese University HK and an Undergraduate of Bristol University.

Antonia is the Creative Director & Co-founder of Harris Chan’s premium athleisure brand AUTOPILOT in Hong Kong. She oversees the brand’s creative direction and design and manages the brand’s narrative. Autopilot is a partner with Moiselle International Holdings Limited. AUTOPILOT has been created to liberate multi-faceted women from the categorical restrictions of everyday dressing. Their styling concept offers them fluidity within their wardrobes in line with how they function and live their lives today, allowing them to flow freely between many identities. Their idea arose from a simple belief – that no one should have to give up workouts or rich social lives for work or simply because their clothing can’t keep up. They are always looking for partners who share their vision of transforming and empowering women and enhancing their lifestyles with an innovative combination of style and substance. AUTOPILOT store is opening in May 2022 in K11 Musea Mall in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It has continuous physical stores opening in Hk and Mainland China, followed by Southeast Asia and Europe. Despite covid times, they were able to hold four fashion shows at upper house Hotel, HK, with 250 guests with an attendance of many influencers, socialites, well-known individuals such as Ms. Pansy Ho and multi-time Olympic gold medalist and world champion of China, Guo Jing Jing and former Olympic swimmer of HK, Yvette Kong.

She seeks to build awareness through fashion, with ideas such as a patterned sweater with a satellite shot that showcases the effects of global warming. To learn more about her, follow her on Instagram at @antoniamli.

Lalitha Stables

Sri Lankan born, Lalitha, has 25+ years of experience in the Tech Industry focused on helping customers and partners drive data-driven digital transformation with the power of the cloud. Currently, she is currently Senior Vice President, EMEA Strategic Accounts at Salesforce.

Lalitha was previously the Head of Partnerships, EMEA at Google, specialising in establishing trusted partnerships and helping customers drive data-driven digital transformation with the power of the cloud. She also had a fast track career with IBM prior to that in Australia.

Lalitha is passionate about building diverse and inclusive high impact teams and devotes her free time to Diversity and Inclusion initiatives in the workplace and with external organisations to advance representation in senior tech leadership positions. People are at the heart of what drives her and building trusted relationships with partners, customers and staff underpins everything she does.


Sephora started modeling at 15 years old, which quickly became a real passion that she practiced alongside her art studies. At the end of her studies, she allowed herself to progress in photography, to put more and more of herself into it, until a sudden autonomy and recognition.

However, she continues her professional artistic journey. She trained as a jeweler in Geneva as well as a higher education in watch design in Switzerland.

Sephora is a designer of luxury products and a photo model. These two qualifications come together on her Instagram account linking photography and her passion for jewelry.

“Through being a photo model I like to be able to convey certain emotions and philosophical ideas. I also naturally like to share my passion for jewelry and watchmaking. It is a real pleasure for me to collaborate with beautiful brands and to share my findings with my community. So photography allows me to express myself, I share a piece of who I am and my inspirations.”

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Sephora Schaffner

Sephora started modeling at 15 years old, which quickly became a real passion that she practiced alongside her art studies. At the end of her studies, she allowed herself to progress in photography, to put more and more of herself into it, until a sudden autonomy and recognition.

However, she continues her professional artistic journey. She trained as a jeweler in Geneva as well as a higher education in watch design in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

Thus Sephora is a designer of luxury products and a photo model. These two qualifications will be able to join together in the realization of future artistic and professional projects.

“Through being a photo model I like to be able to put forward certain emotions and philosophical ideas. Thus the photo allows me to express myself, I share a piece of who I am and my inspirations.”

The making of the EP “Toxic”

The making of the EP “Toxic”

The new artist opens up in an emotional interview about the reason behind her EP title and what inspired her to choose this name.
“ I utilized all of my past experiences and emotions that I have ever felt in these failed love relationships and solidified it in my music. Simply because I did not have someone to guide me through phases of life or love.” Jodee states.
Jodee opens up about how she had to overcome abusive relationships, and how she had to seek within herself to reassure that this is not something she deserved.
“I have witnessed so many relationships result in physical, verbal or even mental abuse, to the point where the victim believes he or she deserves it. In reality no one deserves such mistreatment.”

Toxic is what is used vaguely, as an eye opener for many to point out the signs of these poisonous relationships. Toxic, the music video released in March 2022 starring well known Model and Actor Joseph .B. Augustin, displays how infidelity, mistrust and physical abuse patterns out, and yet neither the abuser nor the victim leaves. Jodee plays the victim that cannot leave, because she is loathed in gifts but genuinely is in love. Tune in more to find out.

AA Clinic Premio Europeo de Tecnología e Innovación 2022 en medicina estética avanzada

La Asociación Europea de Industria, Tecnología e Innovación entregó la semana pasada los PREMIOS EUROPEOS A LA TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN 2022, entre cuyos premiados se encuentra este centro ourensano especializado en tratamientos e intervenciones de medicina y cirugía estética avanzada. El reconocimiento es fruto de una apuesta constante por la innovación, con el Dr. Alejandro Acuña a la cabeza de un centro que es referente en la aplicación de tecnologías punteras como Vaser Lipo y Renuvion


El Dr. Alejandro Acuña recogió el premio otorgado por la AEITI arropado por el equipo que compone AA Clinic. En su discurso confirmó la creciente demanda de tratamientos estéticos reflexionando sobre qué motiva el aumento de tratamientos de medicina corporal y facial.

Según el Dr. Acuña la sociedad se encuentra en un momento de gran desarrollo tecnológico y esto permite ofrecer soluciones que antes no existían. Señala además, que los costes se han reducido haciendo más accesibles los tratamientos estéticos a todo el mundo, y esto, sumado a los resultados, ha propiciado un aumento exponencial de la demanda.

El Dr. Acuña también ha explicado qué metodología se debe seguir en medicina estética, y resalta la importancia del rigor médico. Como director de AA Clinic informa que los procedimientos que siguen toman como punto de partida un estudio preliminar del historial y situación clínica del paciente, para decidir la aplicación de cada tratamiento. Esta es la única forma de garantizar un servicio vanguardista, seguro y que garantiza resultados.

Tras 10 años dedicados a la medicina estética avanzada, el Dr. Acuña agradece el cariño que sus pacientes les transmiten. Además, ha querido señalar que el deber de todo médico es atender siempre al máximo bienestar de sus pacientes, y se alegra de que en AA Clinic el feedback de los pacientes es que han cumplido un sueño y han conseguido un mayor bienestar físico y mental.

Durante la entrega del galardón ha querido destacar una tecnología cada vez más conocida, Vaser Lipo. Esta metodología constituye la tecnología más avanzada en extracción de grasa sin cirugía actualmente, y gracias a ella es posible realizar liposucciones menos invasivas. El Dr. Acuña ha querido remarcar que, aunque la tecnología Vaser Lipo no requiere cirugía, no es una intervención sencilla. El equipo de AA Clinic ha reafirmado la importancia de contar con un equipo específicamente cualificado e instalaciones medicalizadas para llevar a cabo tratamientos efectivos y 100 % seguros.

Además, el doctor ha explicado que la tecnología Vaser no se emplea únicamente con fines estilísticos. En marzo de 2021 AA Clinic inauguró la Unidad Gallega de Lipedema, pionera en España para combatir una enfermedad que afecta a alrededor del 12 % de la población femenina y al 2 % de la masculina, y que se puede tratar hoy con garantías gracias a esta técnica revolucionaria.

El Dr. Alejandro Acuña ha finalizado la recepción del premio invitando a todo el mundo a conocer Ourense y su centro AA Clinic, donde la tecnología de última generación, el rigor, la innovación y los resultados, han permitido a una clínica ourensana situarse a la vanguardia nacional en medicina estética, compitiendo con los centros más exclusivos de Madrid y Barcelona.

Un médico colombiano revoluciona la técnica de extracción de grasa

La Asociación Europea de Industria, Tecnología e Innovación entregó la semana pasada los PREMIOS EUROPEOS A LA TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN 2022, entre cuyos premiados se encuentra este centro ourensano especializado en tratamientos e intervenciones de medicina y cirugía estética avanzada. El reconocimiento es fruto de una apuesta constante por la innovación, con el Dr. Alejandro Acuña a la cabeza de un centro que es referente en la aplicación de tecnologías punteras como Vaser Lipo y Renuvion.

El Dr. Alejandro Acuña recogió el premio otorgado por la AEITI arropado por el equipo que compone AA Clinic. En su discurso confirmó la creciente demanda de tratamientos estéticos reflexionando sobre qué motiva el aumento de tratamientos de medicina corporal y facial.

Según el Dr. Acuña la sociedad se encuentra en un momento de gran desarrollo tecnológico y esto permite ofrecer soluciones que antes no existían. Señala además, que los costes se han reducido haciendo más accesibles los tratamientos estéticos a todo el mundo, y esto, sumado a los resultados, ha propiciado un aumento exponencial de la demanda.

El Dr. Acuña también ha explicado qué metodología se debe seguir en medicina estética, y resalta la importancia del rigor médico. Como director de AA Clinic informa que los procedimientos que siguen toman como punto de partida un estudio preliminar del historial y situación clínica del paciente, para decidir la aplicación de cada tratamiento. Esta es la única forma de garantizar un servicio vanguardista, seguro y que garantiza resultados.

Tras 10 años dedicados a la medicina estética avanzada, el Dr. Acuña agradece el cariño que sus pacientes les transmiten. Además, ha querido señalar que el deber de todo médico es atender siempre al máximo bienestar de sus pacientes, y se alegra de que en AA Clinic el feedback de los pacientes es que han cumplido un sueño y han conseguido un mayor bienestar físico y mental.

Durante la entrega del galardón ha querido destacar una tecnología cada vez más conocida, Vaser Lipo. Esta metodología constituye la tecnología más avanzada en extracción de grasa sin cirugía actualmente, y gracias a ella es posible realizar liposucciones menos invasivas. El Dr. Acuña ha querido remarcar que, aunque la tecnología Vaser Lipo no requiere cirugía, no es una intervención sencilla. El equipo de AA Clinic ha reafirmado la importancia de contar con un equipo específicamente cualificado e instalaciones medicalizadas para llevar a cabo tratamientos efectivos y 100 % seguros.

Además, el doctor ha explicado que la tecnología Vaser no se emplea únicamente con fines estilísticos. En marzo de 2021 AA Clinic inauguró la Unidad Gallega de Lipedema, pionera en España para combatir una enfermedad que afecta a alrededor del 12 % de la población femenina y al 2 % de la masculina, y que se puede tratar hoy con garantías gracias a esta técnica revolucionaria.

El Dr. Alejandro Acuña ha finalizado la recepción del premio invitando a todo el mundo a conocer Ourense y su centro AA Clinic, donde la tecnología de última generación, el rigor, la innovación y los resultados, han permitido a una clínica ourensana situarse a la vanguardia nacional en medicina estética, compitiendo con los centros más exclusivos de Madrid y Barcelona.

Nombre contacto: Alejandro Acuña
Descripción contacto: Doctor Especialista en Medicina Estética Avanzada
Teléfono de contacto: 988 210 201

Meet Kasper Jakobsen, making his name prominent in the world of luxury yachts.

He is a growing Dubai-based entrepreneur, Founder, and Sole proprietor of “Seven Yachts,” UAE’s leading luxury yacht charter and sales brokerage.

We might have heard enough about several individuals, professionals, entrepreneurs, and experts across the world doing exceptionally well in their endeavours, but among them, there are a few who rise above others and make a unique place for themselves in their chosen niches. Ever wondered what could have been the reasons for their exponential rise in their industry? Well, there could be innumerable factors, but the kind of passion and determination they show for taking their brands and businesses to the next level of success is something that has brought them to the industry’s forefront. We noticed how one such entrepreneur from Dubai rose to prominence in the yachting industry; he is Kasper Jakobsen.

Wondering who is Kasper Jakobsen? He is a passionate Dubai-based entrepreneur who serves as the proud Founder and Sole proprietor of Seven Yachts, which is grown to be UAE’s leading luxury yacht charter and sales brokerage. Having the vision to make it huge in the world of entrepreneurship since the very beginning, he paved his own path to success, and today not just in the yachting industry, Kasper Jakobsen has been creating momentum and success in the real estate development sector as well in his native country of Denmark. His growing presence in both these industries has earned him a massive clientele, including celebrities, high-net professionals, and diplomats.

After gaining prominence in Dubai with his yacht charter and boat rental business, he is determined to open a new branch of his yachting empire in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. This business of his has given him massive rates of return and thus has quickly become an attractive proposition for investors. Kasper Jakobsen grew between Thailand and New Zealand and studied at the prestigious IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, before relocating to Dubai to set up his businesses.

He is proud and elated by the response and plaudits his businesses have been gaining across Dubai, which has further motivated him to make more efforts to create more growth in the coming years by focusing on offering unique services and incredible experiences. Besides being an astute businessman, Kasper ( is a doting father to his child Bjorn Kasper Jakobsen and a loving partner to Bolivian Model/Influencer Jazmin Duran.

My job in Formula 1: The helmet manager

I am a racing manager at Bell Helmets, working with F1 drivers. My job is to prepare helmets for all of our drivers and try to find new ones, who want to use Bell helmets in Formula 1.

This year we work in F1 with Lewis Hamilton, Lando Norris, Kimi Raikkonen, Antonio Giovinazzi, George Russell, Nicolas Latifi, Romain Grosjean, Kevin Magnussen, Esteban Ocon, Charles Leclerc and Sergio Perez.

We work closely with drivers on an individual basis to give them the best package possible regarding cooling and visibility. Plus we liaise with the teams, always trying to improve the aero package and make the car faster, even using small spoilers and wings on the helmet. We can even develop some aero parts together with engineers.

My race weekend schedule…
Usually I leave home on Wednesday night to make sure I’m at the track early in the morning on Thursday. Most of the time I carry up to eight of the drivers’ helmets with me, which we couldn’t send to the track with their teams for various reasons.

My first job is to prepare all the helmets for the weekend. Normally I would ready for each driver two helmets for dry weather and one for wet. If the forecast says it is going to be rainy weekend, I’d make it the other way around.

The two dry helmets have different visors, one of them is dark. For example in Barcelona when the sun is very low, you just cannot see the track properly with a normal one.

DjLuiJay is the perfect DJ that will make one’s special event memorable.

His hard work, commitment, and readiness to put in the work have finally helped him succeed in this industry.

Norero, aka DjLuiJay, was raised in the United States of America. He resided in Florida; however, this was short-lived because his family then moved to Los Angeles, California, the city of angels. It’s been a hardworking and smooth journey for him because he has so much compassion and dedication for his career and knows the way of this music industry.

DjLuiJay discovered his passion for DJ and music at an early age of 7 when he witnessed a DJ doing the turntables and mixer, and there was no looking back from then on. Finally, at the age of 17, DjLuiJay got the major break and landed himself a ticket to Hollywood. He worked in famous Hollywood Clubs and eventually led to an On-Air DJ for the radio station, clubs, birthday parties, weddings, quinceañeras, and high school events. After researching famous DJs like DJ Qbert, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Am, and DJ E-Man and further embracing them, he created his style and sound that people loved and enjoyed listening to. The struggle he has faced is matching prices and competing with other DJs or companies around the area. Sometimes DJs are valued so low that other DJs that have already put in so much sweat, work, and time, sometimes say yes or take a job for an amount that is not fair. He believes that by providing excellent customer service, building relationships, and getting to know what the customer or client wants, he can deliver and execute his best and provide them with the best experience. If they like what they hear, most likely, they will never look for another DJ. He play Reggaeton, Hip-hop, Top40s Cumbia, Bachata, Salsa, Merengue, 80s – 90s and make remixes.

He believes if one is committed and ready to put all efforts into the work; one will succeed in this industry. Check out his Instagram page @djluijay.

Contact Info:

Instagram: @djluijay
Twitter: @djluijay