Drink these naturally hydrating beverages to combat the summer’s oppressive heat.

Try these delectable and refreshing drinks this season, ranging fennel sharbat to sattu drink, to relieve your thirst.

Drinks that are reviving and cooling are essential during the summer for helping to quench our thirst and soothe dry throats. But a lot of us are guilty of grabbing for incredibly healthful cold drinks, sodas, and other aerated beverages. This is why we are here, offering the ideal summertime beverages that are not only tasty and refreshing but also naturally healthful.

While lemonade and buttermilk are two popular options, you can also try a variety of other summertime beverages recommended by Dr. Dixa Bhavsar, an expert in Ayurveda.

Fennel spice

Grab a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of fennel powder to prepare this cold beverage. Add two glasses of water with rock sugar to taste. Mix thoroughly, then indulge!

Sattu brew

In addition to being incredibly hydrating, sattu is the ideal summertime source of easily assimilated protein. To prepare this at home, combine roasted cumin, pink salt, and little jaggery with one teaspoon of sattu powder in a glass of water.

The Pudina sharbat

“Take two to three glasses of water, a few bits of rock sugar (to taste), and a handful of mint leaves. Grind everything well. Then, filter and enjoy this incredibly tasty mint beverage after adding half a lemon and rock salt (to taste).

Gulistan shots

Gulkand shots are made by adding one tablespoon of gulkand to a single glass of milk and blending it with a hand mixer.

The Beal Sharbat

Take a bael fruit and cut it down the center to reveal the soft pulp inside. “Leave the pulp to soak for 20 minutes in one glass of water. After that, thoroughly mash the pulp. Your bael sharbat is done when you strain it, add 1 teaspoon of jaggery, roasted cumin, cardamom, and a dash of black salt, she said.

The Khus sharbat

For eight to ten hours, soak the khus in water. After they have been fully submerged, filter the khus water and add rock sugar.

Asharbat kokum

Take two fresh kokum fruits, split them in half, take out the seeds, and then ground into a fine pulp to prepare this delectable beverage. After that, prepare a syrup with rock sugar and add it to the kokum paste. To taste, mix in some cumin and cardamom powder. When you’re ready to have this beverage, put two to three tablespoons of this mixture in a glass and stir with some cold water.

Coconut liquid

What hydrates you more effectively than coconut water? It was advised by the Ayurvedic expert to consume it in early morning or for two hours following a meal.

“Beat the scorching temperatures by using these cooling handmade natural beverages rather than cold drinks and frozen treats from supermarkets and stay fit this summer,”


Sugarcane juice

Without sugarcane juice, the summer is not complete. It is the best source of energy and dehydration relief and is easily accessible on the streets.


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