R Manji

A comprehensive book by R Manji that will clear all the doubts of couples regarding fertility


Throughout various stages of their life, women’s bodies go through several physical changes. To have a healthy life, they must take good care of themselves during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. However, the majority of women nowadays disregard their reproductive health. It ultimately causes a number of issues, including infertility, PCOS, and other issues. Therefore, it is necessary to be worried about one’s reproductive health. Numerous well-known gynecologists, like R Manji, have written books to assist patients and have focused on reproductive health as a crucial concern.


She claims that today’s majority of couples think that having children is a simple and natural process, and for the most part, they are right. However, the road to fertility often proves to be more difficult than anticipated. As a result, she addresses all the questions that a person asks themselves when he wants, and perhaps struggle, to have a baby in her book, which she hopes will enlighten and assist couples on their path to procreation for years. She took years of research and study on this matter. The end result is a comprehensive booklet that is accessible to everyone and helps bring to light some of the less well-known aspects of infertility, making it easier for those who are directly affected by the drama to cope.


She dispelled all the ambiguities and provided comprehensive and practical knowledge about conception in her book. She concentrates on the intricate and interesting subject of human fertility, emphasizing healthy lifestyle choices that can protect and improve it and outlining the primary factors that affect both male and female infertility. She then moves on to the more practical issues, assessing the various methods of medically assisted reproduction, outlining the distinctions between level I, II, and III approaches, and discussing when it would be wise or necessary to choose one over the other.

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