Things you shouldn’t do in Dubai if you are on vacation

You could imagine that a trip to Dubai is comparable to going to Spain, Mexico, or Thailand given that it is the most well-liked tourism destination in the Middle East. In many ways, that is true—you will be surrounded by kind people, delectable cuisine, and gorgeous sunshine—but there is a crucial distinction you must take into account when making travel arrangements. Although Dubai’s laws are a little more permissive than those in the UAE (United Arab Emirates), the UAE is a Muslim nation that upholds Islamic law, so it’s crucial to be aware of what is and is not acceptable behavior when visiting in order to prevent offending anyone or accidentally breaching the law and landing in jail. Consequently, without further ado, here are our suggestions for maintaining

Things you shouldn’t do in Dubai

Get wasted in public.In Dubai, where the majority of the population is Muslim, alcohol drinking is prohibited, as it is in many other countries in the region, including Egypt. In licensed pubs, restaurants, and hotels, as in many other Muslim nations, including Egypt, non-Muslims are permitted to purchase alcohol. Even if you are not Muslim, it is against the law to behave unruly in public, so take care not to have too many.

Take pictures of people without getting their express consent.It is considered impolite to take a picture of anyone without their consent; this rule is especially true when it comes to photographing local ladies.

Swear. Cussing and using filthy language are prohibited, and a number of foreigners have found themselves in hot water for using vulgar language in front of a police officer working undercover. People, keep it clean.

Slur Islam. The most harmful thing you can do in a Muslim nation is probably this. Regardless of your own views on Islam, refrain from making any statements in public that might be construed as offensive. If you have strong feelings about Islam, keep them to yourself because insulting the religion is punishable by harsh sanctions.

Be proud of your homosexuality .It is terrible to mention, but homosexuality is still prohibited in the United Arab Emirates. You might get into a lot of problems if you make any public shows of affection between people of the same (or opposite, if you’re not married) sex. Cross-dressing is prohibited as well.

Employ your left hand .The left hand is utilized for personal cleanliness in Muslim culture, so it may appear strange that this rule applies. Never extend a handshake or a greeting to someone with your left hand, and under no circumstances should you be seen eating with it.

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