From a normal to next door girl to who rose into an entrepreneur , her journey is quite a leap with a lot of observations, leanings , inception and conviction towards achieving her dreams. Shriti Chakravarthy known as ‘The Chic Iconic’ is someone who believes in envisioning the future and curating her present to align with her goals and achieve her highest dreams. She says persistence is the key , variety is the pivot. She has ventured into the field of content creation/writing in lifestyle blogging , Minimalism and personality development with very intriguing and attention capturing topics like “ Personality traits of a strong Women “ , “Efficiency and Time Management for women in the modern day”, “ Strong everyday routines for Productivity’ and many other. For a daily dose of inspiration and motivation You can read her on

But She soon took a turn into entrepreneurship and launched her clothing label “Pastels and Pink’ , with completely hand curated designs , conceived and produced as per the illustrations. She is now a team of 7 with excellent production management and extremely repetitive client base. Her perception of the clothes is versatility , femininity with an element of specialty and attention seeking capacity it can hold. She loves to make one of a kind designs with an extremely casual factor attached to it and the customers love the label for its constant refresh on the designs setting a trend by itself. Pastels, easy silhouettes , warm palettes , minimal textures , hand made art work are the forte of her label. She is a boss lady and extremely intuitive in training her team to achieve the best levels of creativity in implementing her vision.

When asked if she would like to give any message to other young entrepreneurs she said, “If you want to be a self made person, have a vision , take risks , hire a great team and manage your energy wisely, energy limits what you can do with your time. Do not give up even if it feels like it is not working out temporarily , you cannot build anything over night. Unlearn old ways of doing things and achieving targets and resort to new and innovative ways.


When you are running a business it is never going to be complete. There are always new challenges , new heights to uncover and new things to learn. All I can say is there is always more to do, “ She adds.

We’re sure there will be a lot more for this extremely talented , smart and gracious young woman to look forward to. Wishing her the best in her niche and to achieve more success.

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